Visual studio hotkeys and tricks
Visual studio hotkeys and tricks

visual studio hotkeys and tricks

If I want to write a class, a constructor, a for-loop, etc, I just type the keyword and hit TAB twice. But I'm going to list down the 5 shortcut keys that I use the most to increase my programming speed. Keyboard shortcuts are my favorite and there just so many I love.

visual studio hotkeys and tricks

They are there already, configured by default when you install a fresh copy of Visual Studio (any version). And one more cool fact about these is you don't have to do anything in the settings to enable it. Using shortcut keys is not just cool but also increases productivity. To edit the tab-order select View->Tab order from the main Visual Studio menu when you are on a form designer.I have been coding in C# on Visual Studio for almost around 8 years and I have realized using some of the keyboard short keys while writing the code is just so fast than using a mouse and going around options to click. You can assign a shortcut to a Label control, in such a case next tab-ordered control will be activated. For example, once you have &Edit, you can have E&xit buttons with Alt+E and Alt+X shortcuts respectively. Assigning the same shortcuts to several controls is ambiguous, but you can use any letter in the label to be a shortcut. Of course, you are able to assign only one shortcut to a button. Now the shortcut letters will be underlined when you press Alt on the keyboard. Note this applies to the Label or Text of the control, not to the variable name. For example, label the button &Edit and it will react to the Alt+E shortcut. How to do this? Just add an ampersand sign ( & ) before the text or label letter you want the control to react to. To allow WinForms control to be activated by keyboard, you just need to assign a shortcut for it.

visual studio hotkeys and tricks

But what if you need your form to be controlled just by the keyboard? Is it possible to press a hotkey and activate a specific control in the WinForms application? The answer is yes, and it is quite simple. When you build a form, the user is required to use the mouse to control it: click the buttons, edit text boxes, checkboxes, etc. So, the questions regarding these applications are still actual and demanded. Sometimes it is easier to develop a simple WinForms application that is self-sufficient and will just work by itself rather than pay rent for Microsoft Azure or Amazon AWS every month. In the age of web development, programming C# WinForms applications are kind of outdated, but still, many software programmers are involved in developing legacy desktop applications, which will definitely be used for years from now on.

Visual studio hotkeys and tricks